Zucchini Bread – 3 stars

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I left a few recipes for the end either because I was not already a fan of the food or else I needed a special occasion to justify making it. This one falls into the former category but took so long not because I was really, really procrastinating, but because I kept fumbling the launch. I in fact bought zucchini 4 times only to put it in the fridge and get busy and forget it until it wasn’t edible. I finally knuckled down and made it so I could get that zucchini monkey off my back.

So after the multiple false starts I finally got it made and have to say my reaction was a firm “meh”. If you are going to spend calories on a bread or cake, it should be a really good tasting one and this one is just mediocre. All zucchini bread is mediocre in my opinion so if you are a big fan you may love this. But if you are not a fan this recipe will not be the one that converts you.