Walnut Maple Scones – 4.8 stars

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I have started to develop a taste for Scones. Perhaps part of it comes from watching the entire Downton Abby series about 10 times and seeing Mrs. Patmore making dough at that incredible kitchen work table with the wooden egg bin that holds about 4 dozen eggs. But most of it comes from pure appreciation for the taste and versatility of this little gem.

Scones are not difficult to make and you have a ton of options. Wanting something savory? Add bacon. Have a sweet tooth that needs to be satisfied? Try the Orange Scones from her first cookbook. Indulge in your inner Anglophile and have them with tea. Whatever you do, don’t miss the opportunity to try these if you have the book.

The recipe makes 8 scones, which is more than we can eat by ourselves, so I was able to share the love with 2 fishermen trolling by the dock as well as meet our new neighbors up the street and welcome them to the neighborhood. That has to be my favorite thing about cooking – it isn’t just the delicious result, you get to share it!

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