Twice-Baked New Potatoes – 4 stars

Page 151

We love potatoes. I mean, really love potatoes. So it is hard to put a potato recipe in front of anyone in my family and not get a positive response, and these little nuggets have all the things you look for in a tasty potato dish. Overall, the flavor is pretty good with lots of sour cream and, hello, BACON! But for only the second time I have to say it needs more salt – which you can adjust to your taste when you eat it.

That’s the positive side. On the negative side, this one hits on a couple of my pet peeves for recipes. The picture in the book isn’t possible following the recipe as written. The high mounds can only be accomplished by sacrificing a couple of the shells to scoop them out completely and add to the filling. Luckily, I had several that didn’t survive the scooping out process so I was able to bulk up and give some height to the final product.

The second thing that annoys me is she doesn’t specify what type of potato to use, because, like some people, certain potatoes are too thin skinned to stand up to the treatment they are about to get. While at the store buying the ingredients I couldn’t find any small thick-skinned potatoes so, since she didn’t specify, I grabbed what they did have. As expected, the red skinned potatoes that were available just didn’t hold up to cooking and then gutting while maintaining a shell to stuff and bake.

Finally, the baking process is messy so baking on a foil covered baking sheet would make cleanup a lot easier and wouldn’t change the final product. That really should be part of the directions.