Shrimp & Grits – 4.5 stars

Page 207

Grits only – 4.95 stars

mmmmmmmm. Yum-meee.

I am not a big fan of seafood so this is probably a 4.9 or better with people who actually like shrimp. If you want me to eat shrimp, cooking it in bacon grease with garlic is the way to do it. The texture is still shrimp but the flavor is really, really good.

Now, the grits in this are out-of-this-world good. Have someone in your family who says they don’t like grits? Make this for them. As a stand-alone I give the grits a score about as close to a 5 as you can get because they are that good. I had the leftovers for breakfast the next morning and regret nothing.

My only suggestion for improving this one is to use regular bacon instead of thick-cut bacon. Thinner, crispy bacon crumbled on top would go better from a texture perspective than the slightly more chewy version you get with thick-cut bacon.

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