Prize Pig – 4.2 stars

Page 59

Originally posted 5/23/2020

With pan-drippings gravy – 4.7 stars

It’s a cheddar-bacon biscuit with 2 kinds of cheddar… and almost a pound of butter! And it uses buttermilk which was inadvertently left out of the picture. So it’s a cheddar-bacon-buttermilk biscuit. You know before you bite into this whether or not you are going to like it just by eying the ingredient list. And they are beautiful to look at when done.

Finding pepper bacon is hard in good times and 3 different stores failed to have it in these uncertain times. Bacon selection was pretty scanty at all 3 so I am thankful for finding any bacon. I might grade it a tad higher with the extra pepper flavor but what really held it back was the texture.

As with just about any American biscuit (to distinguish our roll-like, non-yeast morning bread from the British cookie) these are a little dry, but very tasty. I can’t think of a time in my life when I have had a biscuit without SOMETHING wet on it – Butter, jelly, apple butter… So how does one address a dry biscuit with bacon in it? Well, when you cook a pound of bacon to put in it, one uses the bacon grease to make “milk-gravy” as we Southerners refer to a white roux. Instant warm hug for breakfast and dryness solved!

I had one for lunch with apple jelly on it which was also much better than eating it plain.