Pesto – 5 stars

Page 37

Originally posted 5/26/2020

Originally posted with Pesto Buratta with Roasted Tomatoes

Served with Crostini

Used in Basil Pesto Chicken Pizza

WOW! More perfect scores!

Either my tastebuds are whacked out or I have hit a lucky streak. Just when the casinos are shut down and I can’t test the theory for sure! So I’m going with my gut that I am on a lucky streak and am just thankful to hit so many really good recipes in just 2 days.

Let’s start with the one disappointment here – the crostini. It is rock hard. Either drop the temp down about 50 degrees or cut the cooking time in half. Either one would make this edible without risking a tooth. Crostinis should be crisp without cutting your gums when you bite into it.

Now, the Pesto, on the other hand, is so delicious I don’t have an appropriate adjective to describe it! I like pesto, but this pesto I LOVE. It has the perfect balance of herbs, garlic, and pine nut tang to compliment the many things you can pair with it, like …

Buratta with Roasted Tomatoes. Buratta… where have you been all my life?! This stuff was created by a Freakin’ Genious!!! It is fresh mozzarella stuffed with super soft mozzarella and cream. Top that with sweet roasted tomatoes and tangy pesto and you have the PERFECT start to any meal or party platter. I will DEFINITELY be making this MANY times again. And I will all caps EVERY reference to it because it is THAT good!