Naked Coconut Cake – 5 stars

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I saved this one for last because I have never been a huge fan of coconut cake and have mixed feelings about that fact. I am a Southerner born and bred, and it is one of those things that is quintessentially Southern to have under glass on your counter whenever company comes over. Don’t get me wrong, I have the glass cake stand, I just have never made the coconut cake to go under it. Until now.

Holy. Cow. This is amazing!

For starters, it is a moist cake which is a good foundation for adding the most incredible icing I have ever had. I could sit and eat it with a spoon until I collapsed in a sugar coma. It is that good. The recipe calls for the sides to be “naked” but there is a lot of filling inside to make up for that so you are not short-changed even if it looks like you will be on first sight. The toasted coconut on top is the final elegant touch making this the perfect thing to bring to a dinner party or serve at a special occasion family dinner.

Tip 1: divide the icing into thirds before assembly so you get even layers. Then as you assemble save a bit back from each third and use it in the end to crumb coat the side of the cake. My first try had way more on top because I estimated wrongly on the amount needed to finish the cake.

Tip 2: make about 50% more icing and fully ice the whole cake for really special occasions. You will not be disappointed.