Monkey Bread – 4.4 stars

Page 67

Brown sugar cinnamon pull apart bread. ‘Nuff said.

But this is a blog, so of course I have more to say. It is yummy, sweet, cinnamony, all you could ask for in a pull apart bread. There are, however, two things that could be done to improve the recipe. First, the “caramel” is pretty grainy. It’s still really good, but grainy. I checked a few other recipes and none of them use her ingredients like she does, so this may be her recipe or maybe I did something wrong. Either way, the caramel could be improved.

The second thing is a little nit picky on my part, but the recipe instructions are a bit ambiguous on cutting up the dough. I know what it’s supposed to look like so I can add the missing word that would make it more clear. The instructions tell you to “form the dough into a round about 1 inch thick and use a pizza cutter to cut the dough into 1-inch-wide pieces.” Pretty sure they should be 1 inch square pieces but the “inch wide” part could be strips 1 inch wide or pizza slices 1 inch wide at the outer edge. Like I said, nit picky, but there you have it.

2 thoughts on “Monkey Bread – 4.4 stars

  1. Monkey Bread is a Christmas morning tradition in our house. My recipe is 2-3 cans of Grand buttermilk biscuits, cut in quarters, dipped in melted butter and then cinnamon/sugar mixture. Fill the bundt pan about 1/2 to 2/3 to allow for the biscuits to rise. Into the oven at 350 for about 40 mins. Dump it on a plate while it’s still hot so it doesn’t stick to the bundt pan. But I’m sure Joanna’s is good, too. 😉

    1. I think the dipping in butter is key and isn’t the process in this recipe. It’s still good and 24 hours later there is just enough left for breakfast tomorrow morning and it’s only the 2 of us.

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