Mom’s Seaweed Soup – 1 star

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The smell of cooking seaweed reminds me of the beach – but not the sunny fun part, just the smelly dead sea life part. And that pretty much sums up the overriding flavor of this dish – dead fish.

If you like sushi, you will probably love this soup. Where I come from, sushi is called “bait”, so you can see where I would be predisposed to not liking this. It uses tenderloin and that is what gets the star in this dish, but the seaweed totally overwhelms and makes this inedible for me.

3 thoughts on “Mom’s Seaweed Soup – 1 star

  1. Where does one buy seaweed? Is it fresh or dried? I don’t know why I’m asking, because I would be passing right by this recipe and moving on to the next one.

    1. I found it in the Asian section of the local grocery. I have plenty left if you want it. 🙂

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