Maple Butter – 3.4 stars

Page 91

Originally posted 4/18/2020

Served with Pecan Pancakes

I am a firm believer that there are not many things on this earth that pecans and butter do not improve. So start with a really good pancake that is super light, add pecans and maple butter and, voila! Brunchtastic eats!

The recipe for the pancakes is another one that it is worth buying the book for. I said that about the pancakes in her first book and it’s true for this one as well. They are super light and fluffy and cook up like a dream! The batter isn’t runny so flipping is a breeze. They make almost perfect cakes every time.

The maple butter, on the other hand, is good but not great. I kept hitting spots where there was just a bit too much salt flavor. Kosher salt, in my experience, tends to stay in tact unless cooked. So eating pancakes and then hitting a big ole grain of salt – leave off the salt and it would be fantastic for pancakes.

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