Last-Minute Party Dip – 4.5 stars

Page 149

Originally posted 3/30/2019

This proves that not only has she collected some fantastic recipes, she created a few on her own. The pepper gives it a real kick and the savory ingredients give the 1/3-less-fat cream cheese some body. (I grabbed the wrong box from the fridge for the pic but used the correct one when I assembled it.) The oil residues from the artichoke hearts and sun-dried tomatoes make up for the reduced fat base so I would not recommend going with full fat cream cheese unless you are feeding the defensive line.

I DO recommend trying this the next time you have a family feast. It makes a lot and can be made ahead to whip out while everyone wonders around the kitchen trying to steal nibbles while you cook.

Bonus – this doesn’t leave partial jars of ingredients left over