Homemade Gnocchi – 3 stars

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Welp. That was a lot of work. When you don’t have a potato ricer you find the next closet thing to do the job. In my kitchen, that is a garlic press. Any idea how long it takes to run 4 baked potatoes through a garlic press? A long time … like 20 minutes long, standing there putting a teaspoon at a time through a garlic press only to have half of it squish back up and out the top because it was designed to press garlic, not baked potatoes. Did I give up and fake it by mashing them? No, I did not and I have photo proof.

Now to the assessment of the final product – meh. After all that work there isn’t much of a difference between these and what we get at the store. And the actual cooking method is unimpressive. She has you fry it and I agree with Mark that it basically tastes like tater tots cooked that way, except they are tougher and have less flavor. Even when paired with the Brown Sage Butter Sauce it didn’t pick up the flavor. Cooked another way they may be better.

The good news is that I have enough to give Andrew some so he can make his signature dish – gnocchi soup. And we can see if that makes a difference.