French Toast – 3 stars

Page 87

Originally posted 5/31/2020

Uses Cinnamon Swirl Bread (optional)

I left the vanilla out of the picture, needed that 2nd cuppa coffee, but it is in there. Overall, the ingredients are well balanced and make for a good flavor for French Toast. I have enough experience making French toast to have expectations for the final product and this recipe misses the mark.

Every good French toast recipe I have ever used has you coat the bread and then allow it to absorb the liquid for several minutes before frying it. This accomplishes a couple of things:

1 – even fresh bread will be a little dry on the inside when you fry it and the absorption of the liquid makes it more moist when you are done, particularly when your bread is this thick

2 – putting wet egg-coated bread into the skillet gives you a crispy egg skirt on the bread that I detest (see the video as well as the final product picture with the slice on the left being the one that sat for a few minutes before frying)

Finally, the amount of butter that you cook this in makes the finished product a bit greasy. Since the egg skirt will drop some pieces in you also end up with burnt bits as well on the slices that come after.

So … this gets a 3 because of the ingredients and fails to go any higher because of the cooking method.

Please note that the slices I cooked using my traditional method proved out the ingredients deserve the 3, and using the cinnamon swirl bread bumped this up to a 4.5 in my book.

This is why you let French toast sit before frying.

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