Deviled Eggs – 4.3 stars

Page 133

Originally posted 2/3/2019

Mark gives this one a 4.9

Deviled eggs are like chili – you have YOUR recipe that you have developed over years and anything NOT yours tastes “off”. That said, these are really good if you like a LOT of dill. I prefer sweet relish, but putting that aside, these eggs can stand on their own just fine.

I love deviled eggs but I absolutely HATE pealing the little suckers. I tried every method to make it easier today and declare the best method is to gently crack and roll the egg on the counter and then put it in a small Rubbermaid with a little oil and gently shake it then, under cold running water, roll it gently between your hands thoroughly cracking the shell and ONLY after all that try to remove the shell by carefully pulling a small section away and then gently turning the egg as you continue to pull the shell away in strips. And when that still doesn’t give you eggs like the ones in the picture you use 4 letter words and save the yolk so you have lots of filling when you are finally done.

Update – finally cracked the code for peeling eggs. See the post for details.