Crew’s Cookies – 4.5 stars

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Take a Snickerdoodle, the world’s best tasting cookie and I will argue that point with anyone, knock the cinnamon down by about 2/3, add a soft icing and you have Crew’s cookies. At least, that my impression when I close my eyes and take a bite.

I used a slightly larger cutter (with a romantic theme) so a single cookie is about all I can eat in one sitting. The icing is a little too sweet but the cookie would be a little too dry without it. That’s about the only thing I can say that isn’t positive.

If you have kids at home around Christmas, make a double batch, use Christmas themed cutters, and put half the dough in the fridge overnight to make another batch the next day. You get a cross between a sugar cookie and a snickerdoodle that holds it shape when cooked. Santa will thank you.