Cheese Dip – 3.3 stars


Originally posted 5/15/2020

Served with Pretzels.

Okay, this pretty much only works with the salty pretzels, but it works fairly well. It isn’t the movie theater processed cheese goo you may be used to, which is a good thing in my book. But stand alone as a dip it isn’t anything to rave about. I mean, Mexico Chiquito cheese dip works with EVERYTHING, so my standards are pretty high and to get above a 4 you have to at least be within striking range of that.

A little history on Mexico Chiquito Restaurant: when we were growing up in North Little Rock there was a Mexican restaurant across the street from our church that had THE BEST cheese dip anywhere. We would get take out chips and dip as a special treat every so often and I can still remember my mom taking the lid off the dip and giving it to me so I could lick the dip off while waiting for it to be served. It was the only Mexican restaurant for miles (we were right on the suburban/rural divide) and everyone from the old neighborhood still remembers and talks about how great it was.

The original restaurant is long gone and the old neighborhood isn’t what it used to be, but there are now 5 (as of this writing) in the chain in Central Arkansas and if you are ever there it is a great place to get a meal. Be sure you get the cheese dip and punch, both are classics from the original one in our old neighborhood.

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