Layered Arugula Salad with Pear Vinaigrette – 4.8 stars

Page 121 Originally posted 4/2/2019 Served with Buttered Walnuts I cannot believe I am giving something with blue cheese this high of a score! I hate the smell, would rather sniff an old shoe, but the vinaigrette completely neutralizes the stank. She says this is 15 minutes prep but it took me that long just […]

Tortilla Soup – 3.8 stars

Page 101 Originally posted 3/24/2019 This is slightly better than “meh” but the dish is, alas, a bit underwhelming. The avocados are wasted as a topping and the mozzarella makes it really messy to eat. I am going to spice it up when I reheat it to see if I can find the sweet spot […]

Jo’s Quick Table Salad – 3.25 stars

Page 127 Originally posted 1/6/2019 Uses Red Wine Vinaigrette This was a pretty good salad if you picked the oranges off. I used a store brand and that might be the problem – they were so soft and squishy the texture just clashed. Otherwise, it was great! Sweet and nutty pecans, pungent feta, sweet/sour dressing, […]