Fried Green Tomatoes – 4.0 stars

Page 186 Originally posted 4/14/2019 With Quick Remoulade Sauce I barely remember either my mom or grandma (or maybe both) making these at the end of the summer when the first frost is predicted and there was a mad dash to gather the remaining unripe tomatoes. They went on a window ledge to ripen in […]

Steamed Artichokes – .001 stars

Page 185 Originally posted 3/28/2019 With Garlic Butter – .1 stars What a waste of time. Maybe it was the lack of “meat” on the leaves but these were just plain inedible. I steamed them for almost an hour and they never got to the point where you could strip anything off the leaves that […]

Brussels Sprouts w/Bacon, toasted Pecans, & Balsamic Reduction – 4.8 stars

Page 165 Originally posted 1/10/2019 Do-over posted 4/22/2019 Made with Balsamic Reduction First try: Nailed it! OMG – got distracted by the dishes and dogs … and did not stir it while it roasted. Burned the sprouts pretty badly (last picture), but… Brussels Sprouts with Crispy Bacon, Toasted Pecans, & Balsamic Reduction – at least […]

Scalloped potatoes – 4 stars

Page 173 Originally posted 2/18/2019 Meh. These are good, I mean it’s potatoes and a cream sauce so how bad could it be, am I right? But they are not fantastic or unique. The cheese is very mild and it has a ton of garlic so a stronger flavored cheese (Parmesan comes to mind) or […]