Pop’s Strawberry Jam – 4.2 stars

4/17/2019 The Massachusetts farmstead provided lots of fruits with which to make jelly – cherries!, grapes, apples, raspberries, blackberries – so I canned a LOT of jelly, but not a lot of jam. It’s a texture preference thing. That said, this is a good jam and if you don’t have a garden you can hit […]

Syrian Donuts – 3.5 stars

Page 45 Originally posted 3/17/2019 For the amount of work involved these are a bit disappointing. The Anise flavor is not overpowering at all, which was a concern, so, Yay on that. But grinding the seeds was a major pain, so if you cannot find ground Anise in the store (I couldn’t) you might want […]

Vanilla Cake Donuts – 4.5 stars

Page 39 Originally posted 3/16/2019 With Maple Glaze You forget how good homemade cake donuts are until you have one. Crispy outer edge, moist cake inside, vanilla bean flavor throughout, and topped with sweet maple glaze. These are best with coffee, and since it’s St Paddy’s day this weekend, make it an Irish coffee!

Cinnamon Squares – 4.3 stars

Page 65 Originally posted 3/9/2019 I may have to give these another go because the yeast did not activate as well as it usually does. However, for flavor these are pretty darn good. They are easy to eat as nice, neat squares. I had some leftover cream cheese icing in the fridge that I melted […]

Quick Orange-Walnut Sweet Rolls – 4.8 stars

Page 57 Originally posted 3/7/2019 Wow! These are super easy and a fantastic change from your standard cinnamon sweet roll – not that there is anything wrong with a good old-fashion cinnamon sweet roll. In fact, I have yeast dough rising right now to make some. The orange and walnut variation is delicious all on […]

Cinnamon Swirl & Walnut Quick Bread – 3.75 stars

Page 58 Originally posted 2/9/2019 (With crunchy walnut topping) It took 2 tries to get this one right. The middle picture is the “nailed it!” first try where I put the topping in as the filling. Doh! My biggest complaint about this is that the outside 1/16 inch of the bread all the way around […]

Ricotta Pancakes – 3.5 stars

page 55 Originally posted 1/20/2019 With Banana – 3.75 stars These are denser pancakes with good flavor – lots of vanilla. As I said, they were good, but not one of those “wow!” taste sensations. Mark suggested adding some mashed up banana, so for the second helping I mixed some into the batter and he […]

Garlic Cheese Grits – 4 stars

Page 31 Originally posted 1/13/2019 Two things on this one… first, I am finding that my brand of garlic salt (man, does she love her garlic) is apparently less salty than hers so this needed a little extra salt for maximum taste. Second, it is a wet, rainy day here so I am guessing that […]