Baked Bruschetta with Tomato, Basil, and Fontina – 5 stars

Page 143 Originally posted 3/15/2019 I don’t give perfect scores because there is always room for improvement. Until now… I love Bruschetta (pronounced “broo-sket-ta”) and I am a tough critic. Just ask the waiter at the Italian Restaurant in Raleigh that I made cry. JK, he didn’t cry. The Maitre D did, though. This is […]

Guacamole – 4.5 stars

Page 145 Originally posted 3/24/2019 Served with Fresh Tomato Salsa Both of these are great recipes for any level of expertise. Since the chips you eat it with will likely add salt, I recommenced taste testing both with the chips as you are adjusting the added salt when combing the ingredients. I like lime so […]

Party Queso – 3.5 stars

Page 135 Originally posted 3/18/2019 It is hard to go wrong with melted cheese as your main ingredient so this gets a 3.5 for content but needs some help to break 4. It isn’t nearly spicy enough for me and it is too runny. Keep in mind that my momma’s Mexico Chaquito knock-off cheese dip […]

Baked Brie – 4.7 stars

Page 150 Originally posted 2/24/2019 Mmmmmm. I had a baked Brie this weekend at the hotel for district training and it was good, but this blows that one completely out of the water. The apples add a tart little kick to the sweet topping that is fantastic. Hard to stop eating this!

Deviled Eggs – 4.3 stars

Page 133 Originally posted 2/3/2019 Mark gives this one a 4.9 Deviled eggs are like chili – you have YOUR recipe that you have developed over years and anything NOT yours tastes “off”. That said, these are really good if you like a LOT of dill. I prefer sweet relish, but putting that aside, these […]