Potato Salad – 4.0 stars

Page 177 Originally posted May 20, 2020 Pretty good but not the best tater salad I have had. Cannot believe I am saying this, but … it needs more salt. And the yellow mustard is a bit heavy in this one. However, it’s still a good potato salad recipe and when paired with a nice […]

Creamy Polenta – 4.0

Page 185 It’s arm night! Making polenta is a lot like making risotto as both require constant stirring during cooking. Fifteen minutes of constantly stirring a pot gives you a pretty good upper-body workout when you are stirring something as thick as polenta. I love grits and this is very similar to grits. The recipe […]

Vermicelli Salad – 1.8 stars

Page 165 This is completely subjective, so you may like it. I probably would, too, if it didn’t look like a bowl full of tapeworms with a texture that I suspect also closely resembles tapeworms. Second thing to not like about this is the smell of the dressing. I made it last night and I […]

Old-Fashioned Corn Casserole – 4.9 stars

Page 172 I think labeling this as “Southwestern” corn casserole would be more accurate, but what’s in a name? Corn casserole by any other name is still delicious. And this is an excellent corn casserole. The two magic ingredients are cheese and chilies. Wooo-doggies, do they make this yummy! It’s very simple to make – […]

Macaroni Salad – 3 stars

Page 184 I don’t know exactly what the aftertaste is, but it builds up as you eat. The first bite was pretty good but after about 1/2 cup the flavor got a bit off-putting. Leftovers the next day definitely had a bit of an off-taste to it. On top of the aftertaste, a cup of […]

Greek Pasta Salad – 4.2 stars

Page 183 Originally posted 6/1/2020 The Kalamata olives have a distinctive flavor that not everyone likes, but they certainly put the “Greek” in this pasta salad. Fun fact: olives are in fact a fruit, and Kalamata olives are incredibly bitter before they are processed. It makes you wonder who picked one of these way back […]

Onion Rings with Spicey Ranch Dressing – 4.25 stars

Page 175 Originally posted 4/10/2020 And we’re off! Originally posted with Brick Paninis The onion rings were very tasty. Me and the oil temp were struggling for a bit, but when done and dipped in the ranch, which is soooooo gooooood, I could make a meal of them. Okay, the concept of the brick panini […]