Blueberry Sweet Rolls – 5 stars

Page 73

Originally posted 5/10/2020

Aaaaaand we have our first perfect score!

Its Mother’s Day at the Wilson Hobbit House where we are having these gems as Second Breakfast. They are moist but airy, sweet with a touch of tart from the lemon. And they are not that hard to make. So, yeah, they are perfect.

Tip 1: she doesn’t have you proof the yeast so be confident it is good before you start. It calls for packaged yeast, which is riskier to me than using the yeast from the jar and since I just used yeast earlier in the week I knew it was good. Packaged yeast is always a gamble. Plus, I didn’t have packaged yeast on hand (why would I with a whole jar hanging out in the fridge) so measured 2 1/4 tsp and we were off.

Tip 2: roll it out as evenly as possible, and roll it up as tightly as possible for uniform rolls. I ended up with one that was HUGE that Mark took off my hands. Man-sized indeed!

You may notice that the fork and coffee spoon are not the same pattern. The spoon came from my mother’s set, and I think of her every morning when I make my coffee and use it to stir in the cream. Since it’s Mother’s Day today, and the 10th one without her, it is especially dear to me this morning.

I think my mom would enjoy so many of these recipes if she were here today, and this one would probably be top of her list as well. She loved to make rolls and pies, and was really good at it. Her chocolate pie was to DIE for as were her fresh rolls and monkey bread! Miss you mom, and thanks for inspiring the baker in me.