After-school Banana Bread – 4.8 stars

Page 69

Originally posted 2/3/2019

(Mark gives it a 4.9)

This is fantastic banana bread! Moist, dense, sweet… it’s got it all. This will be a favorite, I am sure, that will be made many times.

The middle picture is that moment when your OCD self struggles with disrupting the symmetry of a balanced egg carton. I noticed on the egg carton that they give you the option of mailing the distributor the egg carton if you want to recycle it.

Another reason this will be a go-to… When I have bananas getting too ripe for eating I put them in the freezer unpeeled and then can defrost them and use them for cooking. They come out of the peel already “mashed” and ready to go straight into the mixing bowl for a recipe like this.

Exit question: when the banana bread comes out of the oven just as you finish breakfast, is it dessert or second-breakfast?