Bacon-Tomato Sweet Drip Jam – 3.5 stars

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Originally posted 1/30/2019

Bacon-Tomato Sweet Drip Jam – 2.75

Alright, this is sooooo hard for me to type … this was a big disappointment. I was ready to love this and eat it on burgers and grits and oh so many things. But, alas, the texture of the pork belly ruins it. Why?!!!!! I hope I did this wrong and that a second try will produce a better result.

Do over: 4/24/2019

Bacon-Tomato Sweet Drip Jam (do-over) – 3.5 stars

I bet this will be better on burgers, but even standalone this batch is much better than the first batch. Key to this is cutting the tough fat off the pork belly and crisping up the meat without over cooking. You need a perfect texture, crisp but not burned. I finally got a new cast iron skillet and it did the trick.