Arancini – 4.9 stars

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I was skeptical that you could deep fry risotto but I did and it rocks!

There is a LOT to like about this recipe. The risotto, which is the base of this dish, is incredibly good. You could stop right there and just eat it as dinner. Since it is a risotto it takes a while (and a bit of energy) to make, and once made there are several steps that also take time to get it to the point where you can deep fry it. Which brings me to the second thing to really like about this recipe.

I made the risotto last night, put the balls in the freezer overnight, and then fried them up for lunch today. So, bonus that you can prep ahead and then fry them when you need them. So that leaves the last thing to love about this dish.

The final product is greater than the sum of its parts. It is smooth and creamy and tasty on the inside; crisp and crunchy and tasty on the outside. The whole package comes together beautifully and when dipped in marinara you close your eyes and savor every single bite.

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